Saturday, November 22, 2008

IF -Opinion

This week's Illustration Friday topic is opinion. This reminds me of when I was much younger and would get into huge arguments about the stupidest things. There are few things more insipid than two 19 year old guys arguing about who's better; Elvis Costello or Lynyrd Skynyrd. I would never indulge in such an argument now. Even though I was right.


Anonymous said...

great sense of movement and emotions.

Michael Villegas said...

great piece...

I'd have to say Elvis Costello.

Dominic Philibert said...

Very nice Dave!!
Well done!
Keep me posted

Danyell said...

Really great drawing.

But how could someone even compare Elvis Costello to Lynard Skynard?

Heather T. said...


Edo said...

Very nice expressions, love the face of the guy in hte middle!

Anonymous said...

Leonard Skynard is soooooo much better. How could you even say Elvis Costello!

Dave H said...

Thanks everyone for all your nice comments.

I hope everybody realizes that I was pointing out how absurd it is to waste time arguing about subjective things like musical taste. When I was 19 I thought that my opinion was absolute and everyone else was wrong. In the back of my mind I probably still think that, but have learned that it's no loss to me that other people like different music (or sports teams or sandwiches or colors, etc), so why fight?

I really wasn't inviting a new argument.

Anonymous said...

Great illustration and wonderful expressions on their faces.

The Annotated Barbarian said...

Elvis Costello is defintely better! I can empathize with the guy in the middle. I hate to get between two arguing people!